Broomhall and appurtenances (Bray, Chawridge, Chobham, Egham, Windlesham, Winkfield, Windsor), Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
27 Grant and quitclaim: Broomhall Priory to Robert and Margaret atte Huthe, for a yearly rent, all their rights in a yearly rent which they used to exact from a curtilage at la Huthe in Staines Item January 1361
30 Grant: Broomhall Priory to William Rome of Egham, a croft called Humesull, lying in la Strode in the parish of Egham Item 11 June 1376
38 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Richard Ingeleys, three acres of arable land in the field called Thorp Item 25 September 1413
41 Notes of suit brought by the Prioress of Broomhall against William atte Wyke accusing his late father of having cut down oak trees in Knolgrove [Knowle Grove]and Hemsylles [elsewhere, Henryshulle] Item Undated [c 1508]
3 Grant: Richard atte Loke to Richard atte Wode, all his land in the croft of Turriescroft next Altewode in Bray Item 2 August 1334
4 Grant: WIlliam de la Rokele to Andrew Saddok, rector of Wytewaltham, all his part in a croft called Turrinscroft in Bray next Altwode Item April 1335
4 Bundle of deeds concerning Bray, including Maidenhead in the parish of Bray File c 1200-1350
2 Grant: Mariora atte More to Stephen de Cristeshulle, half a croft of land in Sandhurst Item 23 June 1310
1 Grant: John Grove to Stephen Cristeshulle, land in a croft called Kykewyeshawe [in Sandhurst] Item February 1337
2 Grant at farm: Broomhall Priory to William de Crishulle, senior, a messuage called le Rychhous and crofts in Sandhurst Item 29 June 1350
6 Grant: John atte Grene to Stephen de Crysteshulle, Agnes his wife, and John their son, a plot of meadow in Sandhurst Item 22 February 1341
8 Grant: Stephen de Bourstowe to Broomhall Priory, and the lands and holdings which he held in Sandhurst, Basingstoke and Windlesham of the gift of Johanna de Cristushalle Item 20 February 1350
9 Grant at farm: Broomhall Priory to Stephen and Juliana Burstowe, pasture called Estmore [East Moor?] in Sandhurst Item 29 June 1350
1 Grant: Gilbert Frankelanus to Radulfus de la Hulle, as a free dowry to be held with his wife Matilda (Gilbert's daughter), land in Sandhurst and la Mulegarston Item Undated [c 1200-c 1300]
1 Broomhall Priory Sub-sub-series c 1200-c 1600
5 Licence in mortmain Item 23 May 1321
6 Inspeximus of charters granted to Broomhall Priory and enrolled on the patent rolls, 1228-1283 Item 1321
15 Broomhall: Prioresses Sub-sub-sub-series 1281-1521
1 Award by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Priory of Broomhall of five quarters of corn due annually from Chertsey Abbey Item 16 February 1490
3 Deposition: Anne Thomas, former Prioress of Broomhall, about Chertsey corrody Item c 1497-c 1536
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