Broomhall and appurtenances (Bray, Chawridge, Chobham, Egham, Windlesham, Winkfield, Windsor), Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
3 Two grants of property in Huthe in the parish of Egham File Undated [c 13th century]
6 Copy of grant by Gilbert, son of Richard de la Barre, to Broomhall Priory, of a piece of a meadow in the manor of Egham Item c 1240
8 Grant and quitclaim: Thomas, son of William the son of Jordan, and D? his wife, to John de Bromhale [Broomhall], and their rights in a messuage in Egham Item June 1255
9 Remise and quitclaim: Robert and Margarey de Scotho, of the suit of court owed them by Broomhall Priory for the land held by the Priory at la cnoll [Knowle] Item c 1256-c 1281
19 Remise and quitclaim: John de la Knolle to Broomhall Priory, all the rights to certain lands at la Knolle [Knowle], Egham, which he might have by inheritance from Matilda his mother Item March 1320
2 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Thomas Bollok, land at la Knolle [Knowle] Item 11 November 1347
3 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Thomas and Agnes Bollokes, a field at le Knoll called Eunechenerude Item 25 March 1351
36 Grant at farm: Broomhall Priory to Walter Garsteyner of Stanes [Staines], a holding called la Hithe [elswhere spelled la Huthe] next the bridge of Staines and other land in the parish of Egham Item 29 September 1408
37 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Richard Ingeleys of Egham, land in the field called Thorp Item 26 September 1413
2 Grant: William de la Rokele to Andrew Saddok, half a croft called le Colnercroft at Altewode in Bray Item 26 March 1333
5 Remise and quitclaim: William de la Rokele to Andrew Saddok, of all his rights in the croft called Culverscroft Item 10 July 1346
6 Grant: William de la Rokele to Andrew Saddok, half the meadow he had of the gift of Richard atte Loke Item 29 June 1347
7 Grant: Andrew Saddok to Walter Andford, William Ilmyndon, John le Sy and William Hurle of all the rights or claims which he might have in all the lands etc. which he once held with others in Bray and Crucchesfeld [Cruchfield] Item 29 September 1350
4 Grant: Matilda, widow of WIlliam de Cristehulle, to Stephen, her son, a meadow called Dounmede in Sandhurst Item 6 May 1325
7 Sandhurst, Berkshire Sub-sub-sub-series c 1200-1350
7 Inspeximus of charters, now lost by fire, enrolled in patent rolls in favour of Broomhall priory 1228-83 Item 4 July 1321
10 Confirmation by Edward IV of Henry III's grants to Broomhall Item 1462
14 Copy of the letters patent of Henry VIII granting Broomhall Priory to St John's College Item c 1522-c 1600
2 Deed by the Bishop of Salisbury admitting Alice Bourton as prioress of Broomhall Item 2 September 1452
7 Grant, demise and quitclaim: Henry Blundus to William Tide, all his rights in a piece of land in Bray Item Undated [c 13th century]
Results 41 to 60 of 173