Benefactions: scholarships / exhibitions / fellowships / lecturerships / studentships Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Probate copy of will of Sir Isaac Pennington Item 1817
2 Copy of will and codicils to will of William Platt Item c. 1800 - c. 1850
2 Release of rent charges, Hornsey and St. Pancras, London Sub-sub-sub-series 1970
3 Platt: legal papers and abstracts concerning estates Sub-sub-sub-series c. 1632 - c. 1700
2 R Platt vs E Tooker and wife; E Tooker and wife vs R Platt, R Hill, T Craddock; will of Lady Judith Platt File c. 17th century
10 Sir E Fitton et al vs St John's College File 1639-1641
1 Witness depositions in Platt vs St John's College Item 1672 (?)
8 Copies of court papers in the case of St John's College vs Sir John Platt File 1673-1678
10 Plea and answer of Sir John Platt Item 29 November 1673
13 Bill of Complaint: Sir John Platt against St John's College Item 18 May 1674
14 Answers of St John's College and individual Fellows to the Bill of Complaint of Sir John Platt Item c. 1674
16 Witness depositions in Platt vs St John's College Item 3 May 1675
17 Witness depositions in Platt vs St John's College Item 18 May 1675
8 Platt bequest: receipts Sub-sub-sub-series 1671-1702
1 Grant, St John's College to John Ryplingham (Riplingham), founding two scholarships Item 1516
1 Notes of the terms of William Robson's gift, 1638 File Undated [c. 1644 - c. 1690]
1 Copy of will of George Rogerson and correspondence with solicitor File 1881-1882
67 Sandys studentship (in the University) Sub-sub-series 1922
1 Will of Sir John Sandys (copy); Dame Mary Sandys' deed of assignment of life interest File 1922
1 Agreement: St John's College, William Spalding and John Spalding Item 2 May 1600
Results 101 to 120 of 301