Benefactions: scholarships / exhibitions / fellowships / lecturerships / studentships Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
18 Duckett [Doket] scholarships Sub-sub-series 1521
19 Fell fellowship and scholarship Sub-sub-series 1532-1533
20 Fry scholarship / studentship Sub-sub-series
23 Mary Gray studentship Sub-sub-series 1995-2007
1 Foundation of Mary Gray Studentship and widening of terms File 1995-2007
29 Hewitt exhibitions Sub-sub-series c. 1707 - c. 1743
2 Nicholas Fazakerley's opinion regarding Hewitt exhibitions from Threshfield school Item 1743
32 Holitreeholm fellowship Sub-sub-series 1525-1583
2 Copy of bond by St John's College to Robert Holitreeholm to perform covenants, 1525 Item 7 Feb 1583
1 Covenant: St John's College and C. E. Colson (residual legatee of H. H. Hughes), founding Hughes exhibition Item 27 October 1886
34 Hulse scholarships Sub-sub-series c. 1805-1850
35 Hungate scholarships Sub-sub-series c. 1619
1 Copy of part of will of Robert Hungate Item c. 1619
2 Extract of will of Robert Hungate Item c. 1619
1 Agreement and exemplification of codicil to will File 1629-1655
3 Counterpart to SJGR/5/2/37/1/2 Item 1655
2 Copy of decree of chancery regarding Robert Johnson's exhibitions Item 9 March 1709
40 Knewstubb exhibitions Sub-sub-series 1623 - c. 18th century
3 Chancery order for St John's College vs Edward Ewett, Steeple, Southminster Item 2 June 1673
4 Lease by St John's College to John Freeman of Steeple, Southminster Item 26 March 1678
Results 241 to 260 of 301