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Bequests of Plate: Christ's College

List of plate belonging to Lady Margaret, some of which was given to Christ's College. Includes the following entries:

  • p.1: Bequestis [bequests] item ij plaine [plain] pottis [pots] gilt ponderyng [weighing] cxxvj uncie [ounces] xxxx £25.4s
    item on[e] gilt standing cuppe [cup] coverde [covered] bequethid [bequeathed] unto Sir Sir John Saynt [Saint] John
    Bequest to Maistress [Mistress] Parker, master [Alexander] Frognall, Master Chamber[lain], Mr Chancelor [Chancellor]
  • pp.3-4: of the gyfftis [gifts] Plate given to Christ's College, with one item a gilt spoon, to Master Edward Boothe
  • p. 5: Lakkyng [lacking] of there [their] wight [weight]
  • p.7: Dyvers platt unpayd [diverse plate unpaid] Items in the hands of or sold to my Lord Chamberlyn [Chamberlain], Master Marney, Sir John Saint John, Master Chauncelor [Chancellor] for my Lord of Exceter [Exeter], Maistres [Mistress] Edeithe [Edith], Master Chamberlaine {Chamberlain], Master Parker.
    [other pages blank]

Benians Prize: Ernest Alfred Benians (1933)

Papers related to the establishment of the Ernest Alfred Benians Prize including a letter from the College to Benians’ widow informing her of the prize, her response, the regulations of the prize and a list of subscribers to the prize fund.

Benefactorum Nomina

2 volumes known as the Benefactorum Nomina or Names of Benefactors. The first volume begun in 1838 was initially compiled by William Keeling, Senior Dean, based on the list in SJGR/5/1/2 and other sources. It is marked by Keeling, "for the use of the Dean on Commemoration Days". The volume has approximately 40 pages of benefactors with a considerable amount of detail, all in Latin. Towards the end of the volume, in a later hand, there is a list which for the most part records names only, and it became customary for the Master add to the volume.

The second volume was begun in 2013 is added to every year by the current Master.

"Bendlowes of Bardfield"

"William Bendlowes 1516-1584 Serjeant-at-Law and Benefactor" (St Mary's Church, Great Bardfield, Essex and the Great Bardfield Historical Society, 1984). Printed pamphlet.

Beer Mat: LMBC

A beer mat, addressed to Keith Jeffery, with an invitation written in pig German to a drinking party held at St. John's College on the 3rd November 1974.
Simpson has this to say about the beer mats that he, Burton and Adams designed for a party in their third year: "A silly bit of memorabilia that I still have from my last year at St John’s is a beer mat invitation that I did for a boozy party that Douglas, Nick Burton and I held in November 1973. The great thing about Douglas was that his surreal take on the world rubbed off on Nick and myself, and I was so pleased with the design that it is one of the very few things that I did not throw away."

Adams, Douglas

Results 4741 to 4760 of 5566