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Bills and Receipts: Tradesmen and Craftsmen

Bundles of bills and receipts for work on the construction of New Court.
Bundle 1 includes bills for work on the walks, bricks, and fencing. It also contains bills and receipts for work on other College properties, including Mills Garden and Wilsons Garden, and the sale of a barn on college land.
Bundle 2 includes bills for carting loads of earth, digging and bricklaying. It also includes bills for work on other College estates.
Bundle 3 includes bills for ironwork, stone masonry, and the right of way through Thomas Nutter's yard.
Bundle 4 includes bills for grates, carting loads of earth and silver inkstands. It also contains a memorandum of the rooms in New Court with two or more grates.
Bundle 5 includes bills for digging, engraving and printing, and meals. It also contains a memorandum of the door furniture in New Court.

Bills and Receipts

Records relating to payment for the construction work on New Court. Includes bills, statements of account and receipts, as well as certifications of works completed on the basement, foundations and above-ground construction.

Bills and notices

Includes: Bills & notices of claims against C Merry and other papers about distraint for his rent & his eviction; also includes a Valuation of Merry's farm by J Carter Jonas with a plan of the coprolite area; and also a sketch plan of the farm sheds.


Bill: Thomas Mawdisley

Thys [this] bill witnessyth [witnessed] made the xiiij day of October for alowens [allowence] of my bord [board] waages for ij wekes [weeks] and j day after xviij d. a wek [week] and for bote hyr [boat hire] for iij days iiij d.
per me Thomas Mawdislay.
Countersigned: Jo Roffs.
Item a lowens [allowence] for Morgan Mores first for Weynsday [Wednesday] at nyght [night] when my lord departed for hys soper [his supper] ij d.
Item thrusday [Thursday] iiij d. fryday [Fridya] iij d. setreday [Saturday] iij d. Sunday iij d. and thys weke [this week] last in commons xviij d. and for bote hyre [boat hire] vj d at diverse tymys [times] to my lord Tresurer [Treasurer].
Summa iij s. xij d.
SignedL Morgan Mores
Countersigned: Jo. Roffs.

Bill of deposit: H. Ashton

Bill of Hugh Ashton, executor of ' my ladys Grace [the King's] late Graundame', recording that he has deposited certain sums with Doctor Lyshefeld [William Lichfield, d.1517], 'son of the Chanons of Seynt Stephen att Westmynster' and with John Mundy, goldsmith of London.
Signed: Hugh Assheton

Ashton, Hugh

Bill for Tuition

Receipted bill for tuition by Thomas Barber of ten choristers of Trinity and St John's, and their expenses in fuel, books and writing materials. Their names are: Clark, Dent, Wakeling, Haslop, Hollyday, Kempson, Kirkup, Legge, Pryke, Purchas.

This bill immediately precedes the account for education of choristers at Cambridge Middle School (1856).

Bicycle Store

Report of the Committee considering the need for an additional or larger bicycle store. The committee recommends that the rooms I2 in First Court be allotted as an additional bicycle store from Midsummer 1899. Also included is a report on the proposal to erect a bicycle store and Porters' Lodge or cottage at the end of the Long Walk.

Additionally includes a petition to Council for permission to keep bicycles within the College precincts as it has 'caused much trouble and inconvenience... from the difficulty of having bicycles stored within any short distance of the College, ... much expense in having bicycles kept within the town..."

B.H. Farmer Fund: Purchas Society

Includes correspondence and extracts from the minutes of College Committee meetings (March - May 1998) concerning the formation of and donations to the B.H. Farmer Fund, first established in 1983 to provide travel grants for undergraduates reading for the Geographical Tripos.

Also includes a printed memorial service programme and and a typescript draft of a speech written by Dr. Robin Glasscock in memory of Bertram Hughes Farmer (1916-1996).



Includes: Berry, C; Bichend, W; Bird, G; Bowers, W; Bowles, G; Brackley, H; Bradford; Braine, D; Brasher, H; Bretherick, W; Bristow, J; Brown, S; Burgess, C; Butler, C; Butler, W.

Results 4721 to 4740 of 5566