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Account Books and attendance lists

Includes the class lists of Brumell and other tutors; also includes student accounts; lists of students who have paid their fees and the dates of some examinations.
Although described in earlier catalogues as account books, vols 2-5 appear to be attendance lists

Brumell, Edward

Annual Accounts: College Mission


  1. Assorted account books and bank books relating to the general accounts of the College Mission [SJCS/49/4/1/1-12]. Covering dates listed below;

  2. Loose-leaf documents, which include a printed copy of the Lady Margaret Sick and Poor Accounts (July 1918 - June 1919); MS approx. annual budget (1936-1937); budget notes; income and expenditure sheets 1918-1920, 1934-1935; and correspondence [SJCS/49/4/1/14]. A collection of miscellaneous cheques and balance sheets, 1938-1940, may also be located in SJCS/49/4/1/13.

  3. An account book for the College Mission Building Fund, dated 1887-1892, with various accounts for rates etc. inserted; contains no building payments, only subscriptions promised and paid [SJCS/49/4/1/15]

St John's College, Cambridge

Bank Account Books

Includes: volumes recording the tuition fees paid by students 1893-1906. The books list the amount paid by students for their College tutorials.

Macalister, Donald

Bank Correspondence: College Mission

Includes correspondence from numerous banks concerning banking orders and receipts, dated 1937-1938 and addressed to S.J. Bailey.

Also includes a collection of notices, addressed to S.J. Bailey and received from the Senior Bursar, Sir Henry Fraser Howard, concerning payments into the account of the College Mission (1929-1939). Some of the earlier notices are addressed to F.P. White.


Bills and Receipts

Records relating to payment for the construction work on New Court. Includes bills, statements of account and receipts, as well as certifications of works completed on the basement, foundations and above-ground construction.

Boys' Home Fund: College Mission

Includes documents concerning the College Mission Boys' Home Fund, namely subscription receipts, subscribers' cover letters, a small account-book (mostly blank), and a printed circular, updating members on the current state of the Boys' Home project and its delay due to the effects of the War.

The decision to establish a Boys' Home attached to the Parish of the Lady Margaret, Walworth, was taken in consequence to the legacy left by E.L. Cobb in 1913. However, additional gifts and donations were necessary and it was not until July 1915 that the House was officially opened by the Committee.

Choir Books: Senior Dean

The Dean's choir books covering subscriptions to choristers' rules 1876-1919; orders and rules for the organist and choir; (receipts for stipends by lay-clerks and choristers (1857-1955), by choirmaster (1872) and schoolmaster (1887) for tuition; records of baptismal certificates received for choristers (1872 -1894) and admissions to choir (1865-1895).

Also included loose in Volume 2 is a business card for Mr F Nutcombe (successor to Mr HA Brown) foreman painter and decorator.

Competitor & Guest Tags: LMBC

Includes competitor and guest tags for multiple regattas, including Henley Royal Regatta, Phyllis Court Club, Marlow Regatta, Cambridge Regatta, Trinity Regatta, Dublin Metropolitan Regatta, and Coleraine Regatta.

Also includes an undated, blue leather CUBC umpire tag.

St John's College, Cambridge

Cripps Building: construction

Prints showing the construction of the Cripps Building. 12 strips of negatives, some corresponding to the prints of the Cripps Building, others showing building plans/aerial views. One strip of miscellaneous illustrations is marked "Mr AMP Brookes".

Edward Leigh, Cambridge (Photographer)

Education Fund Accounts: Education Board

Includes accounts and bank pass books of SJC Education Fund, payments to lecturers for intercollegiate lectures. Also includes the report on the Education Fund for 19 Feb 1909 concerning the appointment of a committee to consider the remuneration or payment of College Lecturers. This report although printed has annotations and comments added to it.

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