Broomhall and appurtenances (Bray, Chawridge, Chobham, Egham, Windlesham, Winkfield, Windsor), Berkshire, Wiltshire and Surrey Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
14 Grant: Richard, son of Alexander de Langeley, to Radulfus de Kyrkeby, a virgate of land in Pudehale [Podenhale] Item c 1250-c 1284
15 Grant: Broomhall Priory to John de (?) Spersultes, clerk, and Alice his daughter, all their holding called la Knolle [Knowle], for 10 years at an annual rent Item c 1294
21 Remise and quitclaim: Alicia, widow of Osbert de Podenhale, to Broomhall Priory, all her rights in a yearly rent in Podenhale Item 1334
22 Grants at fee farm by Broomhall Priory of land in Knowle File 1338-1351
1 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Robert atte Knolle, one acre of land at la Knolle [Knowle] Item 2 February 1338
26 Grant: Broomhall Priory to Richard, Alice and Christina Osebayn, a holding at la Huthe next Staines bridge, Egham Item 7 July 1359
28 Grant: Broomhall Priory to John Ingeleys, his wife and son, land in the field of Thorp Item 6 May 1372
29 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Thomas and Agnes le Bray, land in Egham Item 29 September 1372
33 Grant: Broomhall Priory to John Derius, all their holding at la Huthe next the bridge of Stanes [Staines] in the parish of Egham Item 1 November 1389
35 Grant at farm: Broomhall Priory to Richard Dodde of Egham, Matilda his wife and Agnes their daughter, an enclosed croft called Henryssulle in the parish of Egham Item 24 December 1391
43 Lease: Broomhall Priory to Robert Gunner, tenement and land in Egham, Staines Item 18 September 1511
44 Grant at farm: Broomhall Priory to Hugh Pygott, land in Egham Item 24 July 1520
7 Grant: William atte More to Stephen de Cristeshulle, land in Sandhurst Item March 1344
1 Grant at fee farm: Broomhall Priory to Robert Milton, a holding in Sunninghill Item 24 December 1401
9 Windlesham (and Send), Surrey Sub-sub-sub-series c 1200-1432
4 Grant: William Baldricus to Robert, vicar of Woking, land in Windlesham Item c 1243-c 1255
5 Bundle of deeds concerning Windlesham (and one re. Bagshot) File c 1250-1350
3 Quitclaim: John atte Knolle to Thomas atte Vyne, all his rights in a yearly rent in Wyndlesham [Windlesham] Item July 1341
4 Grant: Broomhall Priory to William and Isabella Somersoul, all the holding formerly Radulfus Wynter [Winter]'s in Wyndelsham [Windlesham] Item February 1350
6 Grant: Galfridus and Paulina de Braibur to Broomhall Priory, all the rents and services which fell to Paulina in the name of her dower in Bagshot, Windlesham Item c 1268-c 1269
Results 281 to 300 of 342