Early Modern Statutes Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
3 Henry VIII's statutes File 1530-1549
7 Sixteenth-century Statutes Item 1570-1669
13 Bateson's Statutes Item 1728
15 Selwyn's Statutes Item 1740-1829
1 Executors' Statutes Item 1516-1519
2 John Fisher's Statutes Item 1485-1540
8 Ebblewhite statutes Item 1600-1679
5 Royal Commissioners' Statutes Item 1580-1586
9 Williams Statutes: copy Item 1664-1738
12 Lambert's College Statutes Item 1728
14 President's Statutes Item 1740-1789
18 Thin Black Book Statutes Item 1755
4 Fragments of Statutes File 1516-1530
10 Loggan's Statutes Item 1709
11 Radcliffe's statutes Item 1718
17 Annotated Statutes Item 1760-1770