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Hoyle/Box 18/6/2/8
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- Dec 1969 (circa) (Creation)
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7p paper
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p. 1
To Dr Kenneth C. Jacobs. Will put Jacobs' name forwards to the appointments committee, probably in February, if he wishes to be considered for a post-doctoral appointment for 1970-1971.
Followed by a note to return a form to Dr. H. Van Woerden
To A.M. Wolfe
Informing Wolfe that he has been appointed to a one-year fellowship for the academic year 1970-1971. The salary is about £1,900.
p. 2
To Dr. D.F.A. Edwards. FH will not be available next summer.
Note to ask Narlikar about Paul C.W. Davies' letter.
To Dexter J. Booth. The Institute will be making a number of one-year post-doctoral appointments for 1970-1971 early next year, probably in February. FH will put Dexter's name forward.
p. 3
To David I. Paul. The Institute is like to be rather full next year, but would be glad to have Paul join them if he is willing to 'squeeze in'.
To Professor Dickel. The Institute is likely to be 'under financial squeeze' next year, but may be able to help with travel expenses. Asks how Dickel's plans currently stand.
p. 4
To W.N.C. Sy. The Institute does not have funds to support post-doctorate students, as students in the U.K. received grants directly from the government. However, if Sy receives a scholarship to study in Cambridge, it would be possible for him to work at the Institute. The Institute is set up as a research department, which implies 'some degree of independence' on the part of its students.
pp. 4-5
To J.I. Stewart. The Institute is a research department and not a teaching department meaning that students will encounter a wider range of possible problems, but will need a greater degree of self-reliance. Suggests spending a week or two at the Institute in the summer. U.K. students received SRC grants 'in the usual way'.
p. 5
To Dr. F. Curtis Michel. Following up an earlier letter. The Institute has agreed to invite Michel to the Institute next summer. The normal financial formula is travel plus a monthly rate. Michel will receive a letter from the University at a later date.
p. 6
To Edward R. Harrison. Would be glad for Harrison to visit the Institute next summer. There is no need to supply bibliographical details, only to let the Institute know his plans so that they can plan office space usage.
To R.D. Ekers. Confirming that Ekers can spend six months at the Institute from June 1970. Approximately £1,000 can be paid for the period, and it is best that the travel expenses be taken from this, and the remainder be paid as a monthly allowance.
p. 7
To Dr. J. Sutton. Confirming that Sutton can spend six months at the Institute from May 1970. Approximately £1,000 can be paid for the period, and it is best that the travel expenses be taken from this, and the remainder be paid as a monthly allowance.
To Dr. B. Paczynski. Would be glad to offer him a place at the Institute for two months in the summer, for which £300 could be paid.
To Dr Shin Yabushita. Confirming an earlier letter from Miss A.H. Routledge. There are no funds to help with travel, but £150 per month can be paid during his time at the Institute.
Autograph manuscript
7 p.
c. Dec. 1969 (undated)