Identity area
Reference code
Unique identifier
- 1897-1908 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
1 item; paper
Context area
Name of creator
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Pupils taken over from Macalister.
Containing material about the following students: Alexander, M.; Alexander, P.G.; Alexander, R.C.; Anderson, L.R.D.; Arnott, E.W.; Atkins, H.L.; Atkinson; Atkinson, G.F.S.; Atkinson, M.; Barlow, P.S.; Barrett; Bass, R.A.; Baxter, A.H.Y.; Beacall, T.; Bell, R.E.T.; Benians, E.A.; Bennett, C.W.; Bentley; Bernard, G.H.B.; Birks, W.A.; Bloom, E.F.D.; Boddington, V.C.; Bolderston, W.N.; Bosworth, T.O.; Brooke, Z.N.; Browne-Waite, F. (also listed as Waite Browne, F., and Franklyn-Browne); Caddick, S.D.; Campbell, A.Y.; Campbell, C.G.H.; Canham, E.; Carter, C.C.; Casson, R.; Chadwick, R.A.; Cheese, J.E.; Cheese, W.G.; Churchward, A.C.; Clark, J.A.; Clay, W.K.; Coop, W.; Cooper, T.; Corbett, A.E.; Corney, L.G.; Crocker, J.C.; Cunningham, E.; Dale, F.; Darwin, J.H.; De Mel, F.J.; Dodd, R.P.; Dornhorst, F.S.; Douglas, S.M.; Draper, J.R.; Druce, C.L.; Drysdale, G.F.; Dundas, A.C.; Dunkley, H.F.; Dutton, A.; Edmonds, S.A.; Edridge-Green, F.W.; Edwardes, D.E.; Edwardes, H.F.F.; Elsee, C.; Evans, J.; Faulkner, H.N.; Fayerman, A.G.P.; Ferguson, A.; Fergusson, L.R.; Finch, H.K.; Fisher, F.B.; Fletcher, F.; Fox, T.S.W.; Franklin, J.H.; Franklin, T.B.; Fraser, J.; French, R.T.G.; Garrett, H.L.; Gaskell, J.M.; Gaze, E.H.; Gaze, G.A.; Gibbings, W.T.; Gledstone, F.F.; Green, E.W.; Green, S.M.; Greenlees, J.R.C.; Gregory, H.H.; Grimes, G.H.; Grimes, H.S.K.; Grundy, M.; Guest Williams, A.A.; Guest Williams, W.K.; Gwatkin, E.A.; Haigh, P.B.; Halsey, R.T.; Hamilton, K.L.B.; Harding, A.J.; Harding, W.H.; Harris, H.W.; Hart, E.P.; Hart, J.H.A.; Haslam, V.K.; Hatten, A.W.; Hawkes, W.J.; Heaton, F.A.A.W.; Hellings, G.S.; Henslow, C.J.W.; Henslow, R.B.W.; Hicks, F.W.; Hill, W.E.; Hill, W.N.; Hogan, C.D.D.; Hogan, R.V.J.S.; Holthouse, C.L.; Horowitz, S.; Horton, F.; Hurst, R.F.; Hyde, R.W.; Ireland, W.F.; Ismail Khan, M.; James, F.A.; James, G.; Jehangier; Jinarjadasa, C.; Johnson, E.W.; Jones, W.J.; Kean, M. (also listed as Kraus); Kershaw, A.; Keyworth, F.M.; Kidston, M.M.W.; King, G.K.; King, L.A.L.; Kirby, A.H.; Kirkness, L.H.; Laidlaw, H.; Lane, H.C.H.; Lasbrey, P.W.; Lewis, P.J.; Lister, J.; Lumb, W.; Macaulay, D.; Marrs, F.W.; McGrady, S.H.; Moore, J.A.; Morton, F.D.; Moseley, F.M.; Mossop, H.J.; Mottram, J.C.; Newbery, R.E.; Newton, H.G.T.; Niven, H.; Northorp, F.; Orr, J.W.; Palmer, J.T.E.; Parker, H.; Parnell, T.; Pascoe, E.H.; Pass; Patel, R.B.; Patterson, R.F.; Phillips, E.A.; Piaggio, H.T.H.; Pinser, W.C.B.; Plowright, C.C.; Plowright, C.T.M.; Pocock, G.N.; Poole, J.T.; Porter, T.H.; Raby, A.; Race, R.T.; Raynor, L.G.S.; Richards, R.; Robertson, F.W.R.; Robinson, M.H.; Robinson, W.E.; Row, V.P.; Russell Smith, H.F.; Said, M.; Sands, P.C.; Satterly, J.; Scougal, K.H.; Scoular, J.G.; Sewell, S.E.; Sheriff, S.M.; Smith, L.D.; Souper, N.B.; Southam, J.F.L.; Squire, J.C.; Stanford, H.C.; Stansfeld, A.E.; Stansfeld, R.; Stanton, J.V.; Stead, W.J.V.; Stokes, J.; Stokes, J.W.G.; Stuart, W.; Theophilus, R.A.; Thomas, H.A.; Thompson, A.C.; Thompson, W.C.; Thomson, K.S.; Thursfield, G.A.R.; Tiddy, C.W.E.; Tillard, L.B.; Titterington, E.J.G.; Trehern, E.C.; Trumper, J.H.W.; Turnell, C.M.; Twinn, F.C.G.; Vinycomb, T.B.; Wakely, H.D.; Waller, B.P.; Waller, R.D.; Walmsley, A.M.; Waterhouse, G.; Watts, B.T.; Weston, E.A.; Whitlock, P.O.; Wilkinson, E.N.; Wilkinson, E.R.; Williams, D.L.; Williams, J.; Wilson, G.; Wilson, T.R.; Winfield, P.H.; Wood, E.; Woods, B.F.; Woodwark, H.B.; Wooler, C.U.; Worrall, N.; Wrenford, H.J.W.; Yeats, G.F.W.; Yonge, G.V.
(N.B. these names appear in two separate lists in the volume itself.)
Also contains a letter from Jeffrey G. Sikes to Mr Wordie, about giving the notebook to the college.