St John's College, Cambridge



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St John's College, Cambridge

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St John's College, Cambridge

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St John's College, Cambridge

4 Archival description results for St John's College, Cambridge

Only results directly related

Mandate: Keeper of the Hanaper

Contemporary copies of the mandate of King Henry VIII to Roger Lupton "Keeper of our Haniper [Hanaper] in our Chauncery [Chancery]", to deliver letters patent in favour of the executors of the Lady Margaret, for the foundation of a chantry at Wimborne, for the licence to buy land for Christ's College, [Cambridge] and for the foundation of St John's College.

Henry Hornby to John Fisher

Letter [no year] from Henry Hornby in Cambridge to John Fisher, about keeping Lady Margaret's anniversary [of her death] and the evidence of her intention to found St John's College.

Hornby [Horneby], Henry