- SJLM/7/1/7
- Item
- 1510-1511
Account of Roger Noott [Notte] for £33.18.5d, £4, besides 54s delivered by Nicholas Sanders for clothes and his labour for the almsfolk at Hatfield.
Notte, Roger
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Account of Roger Noott [Notte] for £33.18.5d, £4, besides 54s delivered by Nicholas Sanders for clothes and his labour for the almsfolk at Hatfield.
Notte, Roger
Account of Roger Noott [Notte] for £34 received from John Fisher for board, clothes and rent of almshouse of nine poor persons at Hatfield.
Notte, Roger
Accounts related to Lady Margaret's various households, her estates and those of her executors.
Accounts of Miles Worsley cofferer to Lady Margaret, for the household at Croydon & Hatfield.
Croydon, Haling, Fotheringhay & others
Accounts of James Morice for works at Collyweston Croydon, Halyng (Haling), Fotheringhay, Coldharbour, Hatfield, Christ's College.
Morice, James
Account of Miles Worsley treasurer of the chamber to Lady Margaret. Signature 'Margaret R.' at the bottom of most pages.
Inventories and lists of items from Lady Margaret's house at Hatfield.
Inventory made at Hatfield by Richard Gough, Richard Lyster & Peter Baldewyn; includes copy of the inventory of the beds for Hatfield.
Lyster, Richard
Inventory of robes; also wine sold or given away, glassware, small precious items in Lady Margaret's chamber and closet.
Items listed under the following headings:
Also listed:
Also listed:
Inventory made at Hatfield by Robert Hylton yoman [yeoman] of my ladies [lady's] wardrobe of her Robes ther[e] from [14 January 1508/9] unto [16 August 1509].
Begins: Blak [black] velvet. Fyrst [first] of the remanes [remains] of the last accompt. [account]. 11 gownes, 1 hoode, 1 typett [tippet], 70 yards of velvet (provision of 24 yards made by Robert Fremyngham), "wherof Delyvered [delivered] to Maistres [Mistress] Mabell [Mabel] Clifford 1 gown lyned [lined] with blak [black] damask, given to hir [her] by my ladies grace..."
Under headings: Blak Satens [black satins], p.3; Tawny saten [satin], 4; Bla[c]k damask 5; tynseld saten [tinselled satin], 6; bla[c]k brevet, 7; tawny velvet, 9; tawny damask, 9; russet damask, russet saten [satin], 10; yelowe [yellow] saten [satin], whyte [white] damask, 11; tawny chamlet, 12; black chamlet, bukram [buckram], 13; silke [silk] remaynyng [remaining], 14.
p. 15. Certayn [certain] apparaill [apparel] of clothe [cloth] remaynyng [remaining], gownes, peticots [petticoats], mantills [mantles], clokes [cloaks]
pp16-19: blank
p.20. avewe [ A view] taken of Robert Hilton for my ladys robis [robes] by William Bedell and James Morice.
Hilton, Robert
Includes the accounts of Miles Worsley cofferer or treasurer of the chamber to Lady Margaret. The accounts are for the households of Hatfield, Colyweston [Collyweston] and Croydon
Worsley, Miles
Wardrobe of the Beds: Hatfield
A view of the wardrobe of beds at Hatfield. The items are listed under the headings: