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Training: LMBC

Includes training notes; weight training schedules; two printed articles; physical fitness tests; notes on making a bump, racing psychology and coxing a boat.

Travel Award Reports

Glossy published brochures of reports by travel award recipients. Reports for the years 2010-2012, published in 2011-2013.
In-house publications.
2010 volume produced by the Tutorial Department; 2011 and 2012 volumes produced jointly by the Tutorial and Development Offices.

Treasurers' Papers: Old Musical Society


SJCS/17/1/1: A treasurers' book, containing accounts signed by presidents of the Society [dated 6th Feb.1870 - 1st Feb. 1877]

SJCS/17/1/2: Miscellaneous letters and papers, including documents which concern the dissolution of the Society and closing balance [dated 11th June 1879 - 16th Aug.1888].

Results 5481 to 5500 of 5829