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5 Archival description results for Hatfield

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Wardrobe of the Beds: Hatfield

A view of the wardrobe of beds at Hatfield. The items are listed under the headings:

  • pp. 1-2: arrase
  • p. 3: sarcenet
  • pp.5-7: verdours
  • p. 8: square bedds of fyne arras and coutersetts
  • pp.11-12: square bedds of counterpoynts of cloth of gold and silk
  • p.13: counterpoynt palid of aras cloth gold and silk
  • p. 14: counteropoynts of tapestre
  • p.15: counterpoynts of vardors
  • p.16: curtens of sarcenet; canapes of sarcenet
  • p.17: bedds of downe; bolsters of downe
  • p.18: pyllows of downe
  • p.19: bedds of fethers
  • p.20: fustyans, quylts of silke, etc
  • p.21: mattress, volster, blanketts, etc
  • p.22: coverletts
  • p.23: letter maters [leather materials]
  • p.24: travesses of sarcenet, clothes of astate
  • p.25: cosshens of cloth gold and silk
  • p.26: carpetts of dyvers sortes - written at bottom of the page: "Md that all theis carpetts before written be fownd in sauff over the wardop which is supposed to be in John Birds chamber"
  • p.27: cheyers of cloth of gold and silk; cheyers of covered lether; coveryng of the chare and litter
  • p. 28: stayned sayez; rede sayes, grene sayes; black sayez;
  • pp. 29-31: white sayez
    "Store of canvens called ... by Mr Assheton bought"

Inventory: Roberty Hylton

Inventory made at Hatfield by Robert Hylton yoman [yeoman] of my ladies [lady's] wardrobe of her Robes ther[e] from [14 January 1508/9] unto [16 August 1509].
Begins: Blak [black] velvet. Fyrst [first] of the remanes [remains] of the last accompt. [account]. 11 gownes, 1 hoode, 1 typett [tippet], 70 yards of velvet (provision of 24 yards made by Robert Fremyngham), "wherof Delyvered [delivered] to Maistres [Mistress] Mabell [Mabel] Clifford 1 gown lyned [lined] with blak [black] damask, given to hir [her] by my ladies grace..."

Under headings: Blak Satens [black satins], p.3; Tawny saten [satin], 4; Bla[c]k damask 5; tynseld saten [tinselled satin], 6; bla[c]k brevet, 7; tawny velvet, 9; tawny damask, 9; russet damask, russet saten [satin], 10; yelowe [yellow] saten [satin], whyte [white] damask, 11; tawny chamlet, 12; black chamlet, bukram [buckram], 13; silke [silk] remaynyng [remaining], 14.
p. 15. Certayn [certain] apparaill [apparel] of clothe [cloth] remaynyng [remaining], gownes, peticots [petticoats], mantills [mantles], clokes [cloaks]
pp16-19: blank
p.20. avewe [ A view] taken of Robert Hilton for my ladys robis [robes] by William Bedell and James Morice.

Hilton, Robert

Inventory of Robes

Inventory of robes; also wine sold or given away, glassware, small precious items in Lady Margaret's chamber and closet.
Items listed under the following headings:

  • p.3: peticottes
  • p.4: mantills, clokes
  • p.5: cloth of glod [sic], silkks, furres
  • pp.6-7: stuf ina gret standard
  • p. 8: in a coffer
  • p.9: in my ladys chamber
  • pp. 11-14: dyaper and napery
  • p.15: glasses
  • pp. 16-17: cupbords, pewter, stuf in the closet
  • p. 18: stanard in the juell [jewel] house, gardyviaunts, standards
  • p.19: coffers in the closet, standards in the bed chamber, standards in the gallery
  • p.20: standards in the wardrobe of robes
  • pp. 22-23: spices
  • p.23: pewter
  • pp. 24-28: smalle tresses prysed by Jon Mondy with other.

Also listed:

  • p.21: wyne. Item of Gascon Wyne v tonne
  • sold to Thomas Lovell 1 tonne
  • to my Lord Rochester 1 pipe
  • to Sir John Saint John 1 pipe
  • to the Abbot of Saint Albans 1 tonne
  • to the same Abbot 1 pipe
  • to Mr Chamber[lain] 1 pipe
  • expended at Hatfeld 1 tonne

Also listed:

  • sweet wyne
  • item whit wyne of angey remanet 1 pipe
  • item in malmesay ij butte
  • of ruermerey i butte
  • to the Abbot of Saint Albans if whit wyne of anger 1 pipe
  • to the same abbot i but of malmesey
  • to my Lord of Rochester j but of malmesey
  • to the abbot of Saint Albans j but of ruermerey