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4 Authority record results for Cambridge

Only results directly related

Barnwell Priory

  • GB-1859-SJCA-CI358
  • Corporate body
  • 1092-1538

Barnwell Priory was founded in 1092 by Picot of Cambridge and construction was finally completed in 1112. The Priory was extremely wealthy during its time, with the number of monks rising from 6 to over 30. Additionally, it was chosen as the location for a Parliament held in Cambridge during the reign of Richard II.

The Priory became a target during the Peasants' Revolt in 1381 which caused a reported loss of £1000. It was dismantled in 1538 during the Dissolution of the Monasteries and stood as a ruin until 1810 when the land was cleared. Today, a school nearby is named after the Abbey and several streets in the area are named after former Priors.

Chertsey Abbey

  • GB-1859-SJCA-CI360
  • Corporate body
  • 666-1537

Chertsey Abbey was founded in 666 by Erkenwald, a prince from Stallingborough, Lincolnshire, who was said to be related to Offa, King of East Anglia. The Abbey was founded as a Benedictine House, dedicated to St. Peter, and grew to become the fifth largest monastery in the country, with land covering 50,000 acres. Little is recorded of the Abbey before the mid 11th century, however it is known to have been the subject of a Viking raid in 871, after which it was rebuilt and had its land confirmed in a Charter of 889. The Abbey also suffered at least two fires in 1235 and 1381 as part of the Peasants' Revolt.

Throughout its history, Chertsey Abbey was regularly visited by the King, including King John, Henry III who held court there in 1217, Edward III and Henry VIII. The Abbey was dissolved in 1537 during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, with its monks sent to Bisham to create a new order specifically to pray for the soul of Jane Seymour. However, this new House was dissolved in less than a year and within a century, the empty buildings of Chertsey Abbey had been destroyed.

Denny Abbey

  • GB-1859-SJCA-CI359
  • Corporate body
  • 1159-1536

Denny Abbey was founded in 1159 as a Benedictine monastery and is the only religious site in England to have been occupied by three different monastic orders at various times in its history. It was handed over to the Knights Templar in 1170 as a home for their aged and infirm members. In 1308, when the Templars were arrested for alleged heresy, the Abbey became a convent for a group of Franciscan nuns known as the Poor Clares. Their patron, the Countess of Pembroke, converted the original church into private apartments and built a new church, refectory and other buildings. Following the dissolution of the nunnery in 1539 by Henry VIII, it was converted into a farm and was in use until the late 1960s when it was acquired by Pembroke College and placed in the care of what is now English Heritage.

St. Radegund's Priory

  • GB-1859-SJCA-CI357
  • Corporate body
  • Unknown-1496

The origins of St. Radegund's Priory (also known as the Priory of St. Mary and St. Radegund) are unknown, though it is likely it was founded in the earliest years of the reign of King Stephen, during the episcopate of Nigellus, Bishop of Ely. There seem to be no records of its patronage; in 1496, when Bishop Alcock planned to convert the Priory into a college, he stated that it was 'of the foundation and patronage of the Bishop of Ely', though this assertion has been questioned.

During its time, though the Priory was given numerous small benefactions and gifts of land, it was never wealthy, with its poverty said to be notorious by 1277. This contributed to the Priory falling into a bad state of repair as there were not the funds necessary to fix damage caused by storms and fires. These conditions as well as the extravagant and dissolute life of the nuns, attributed to their proximity to the University of Cambridge, led to Henry VI in 1496 granting permission to Bishop Alcock to take the buildings and estates of the Priory for the foundation of what is known today as Jesus College, Cambridge.