- FondsPelling - Papers of Henry Mathison Pelling
- Series6 - History of the British Labour movement.
- Subseries1 - Papers.
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- Item3 - Manuscript beginning 'The subject of my research is the history of the Independent Labour Party'.
- Item4 - Typescript journal: 'Scarborough, Spet[sic]-Oct 1958 Labour Party Conference'.
- Item5 - Typescript: 'The Origins of the Labour Party, 1880-1900'.
- Item6 - Typescript: 'Summary of Thesis: Origins and Early History of the Independent Labour Party, 1885 to 1906'.
- Item7 - Typescript fragment beginning 'Now in this first lecture I want to examine'.
- Item8 - Incomplete typescript beginning on page 3 with, struck through, 'allegiance of groups in a number of'; manuscript notes at end.
- Item9 - Typescript: 'Switzerland and the Swiss Constitution'.
- Item10 - Typescript: 'The Communist Party and the British Labour Movement'.
- Item11 - Typescript: 'Trade Unionism in the Iron and Steel Industry'.