- FondsNewmanL - Papers of Lyn Newman
- SeriesA - Correspondence
- SubseriesA1 - Correspondence with Bloomsbury Group and some others
- File24 - Correspondence with Leonard Woolf
- 8 more...
- Item9 - TLS to Lyn Newman
- Item10 - TLS to Lyn Newman
- Item11 - TLS to Lyn Newman
- Item12 - TLS to Lyn Newman
- Item13 - TLS to Lyn Newman
- Item14 - Photocopy of typescript letter to Lyn Newman
- Item15 - Photocopy of ALS to Leonard Woolf
- Item16 - Photocopy of ALS to Leonard Woolf
- Item17 - Photocopy of ALS to Leonard Woolf
- 15 more...