- FondsCrook - Papers of John Anthony Crook
- SeriesD - Correspondence
- SubseriesD1 - Files of letters mostly to, with some from JAC, arranged alphabetically by sender/recipient
- File4 - Box 4, Letters K-O
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- Item28 - TLS from J. Koumoulides, Ball State University, Indian, USA..
- Item29 - ALS from J. Koumoulides, Ball State University, Indiana, USA.
- Item30 - TLS from J. Koumoulides, Ball State University, Indiana, USA.
- Item31 - TLS from J. Koumoulides, Ball State University, Indiana, USA.
- Item32 - TLS from J. Koumoulides, Ball State University, Indiana, USA.
- Item33 - TLS from J. Koumoulides, Ball State University, Indiana, USA.
- Item34 - TLS from Dr Ismene Lada- Richards, Stable Cottage, Mustills Lane, Over , Cambridge
- Item35 - ALS from Sylvie Lafon, Paris.
- Item36 - TLS from David Large, University of Reading.
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