- FondsKendall - Papers of Sir Maurice George Kendall
- Series1 - Work on statistics etc.
- Subseries9 - M. G. Kendall Papers
- File1 - M. G. Kendall Papers 1939-1950
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- Item34 - Rank and product-moment correlation
- Item35 - On the reconciliation of theories of probability
- Item36 - On a method of studying time series based on their internal correlations by G. Udny Yule ; Note on Mr Yule's paper by M. G. Kendall
- Item37 - On the analysis of oscillatory time-series
- Item38 - The reconstruction of the mercantile fleet of the United Kingdom
- Item39 - The significance of rank correlations where parental correlation exists
- Item40 - The variance of tau when both rankings contain ties
- Item41 - The examination of the Royal Statistical Society
- Item42 - 'The American Statistician' 2:4 (Aug. 1948)
- 11 more...