- FondsJeffreysB - Papers of Bertha Jeffreys
- SeriesD - Publications
- SubseriesD1-D74 - Drafts and articles
- FileD1-D2 - 'The polarisabilities of atomic cores', Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (1926)
- ItemD3 - 'The Internal Conversion of Gamma Rays', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 116, (1927), 491-500
- ItemD4 - 'The Internal Conversion of Gamma Rays - Part II', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 121, (1928), 447-456
- ItemD5 - 'The absorption coefficient of a degenerate gas', Monthly Notices of R.A.S., vol. 91 no. 8 (June 1931), 857-862
- ItemD6 - 'The practical determination of self-consistent field of atoms'
- FileD7-D11 - 'Book on Mechanics with DRH [Hartree] 1931'
- ItemD12 - 'The co-efficients of absorption and opacity of a partially degenerate gas', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 141 (1933), 554-566
- ItemD12a - 'The relativistic Self-Consistent Field', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 152 (1935), 625-649
- ItemD13 - 'The relativistic interaction of two electrons in the Self-consistent Field method', Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 157 (1936), 680-696
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