- FondsAdamsDN - Papers of Douglas Noël Adams
- Series1 - Personal, Family and Business Material
- Subseries3 - School
- File1 - Schoolwork, documentation and extracurricular activities
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- Item53 - Notes in response to 'Why would one call a piece of music good?'
- Item54 - Music manuscript book labelled 'Arrangements' and containing same.
- Item55 - Music manuscript book with some pages used.
- Item56 - 'Cant par la Flor'.
- Item57 - Sheet music for various horn parts.
- Item58 - Two compositions.
- Item59 - 'Linz Symphony' in C major.
- Item60 - Music manuscript book labelled 'Octet', with an arrangement of a portion of The Beatles' 'Here, There and Everywhere' among its contents.
- Item61 - Doodles and signature practice.
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