- FondsNewmanM - Papers of Max Newman
- SeriesBox 2 - Documents and letters relating to mathematics and mathematicians
- File18 - Princeton University Bicentennial Celebrations
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- Item4 - Princeton University Bicentennial Conference: The Future of Nuclear Science
- Item5 - Program of Princeton University Bicentennial Conference on Problems of Mathematics
- Item6 - Invitation to MHAN to Princeton University Bicentennial Conference The Problems of Mathematics
- Item7 - Princeton University Bicentennial Conference: The Problems of Mathematics
- Item8 - Printed letter from A.W. Tucker, Acting Chairman, Topology Session, Princeton University
- Item9 - Princeton University Bicentennial Conference: The Problems of Mathematics
- Item10 - Some Problems in Topology
- Item11 - A summary of the address to be given by Alfred Tarksi at the Conference on The Problems of Mathematics at Princeton
- Item12 - Copy of TL from Frank Aydelotte, Princeton, to Colonel Frank F. Reed, United States Embassy, London
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