- FondsHoyle - Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle
- SeriesBox 144 - Box 144
- File1 - Publishers and original jacket blanks Fred Hoyle.
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- Item15 - Printed jacket for the Black Cloud by FH. (This is the American edition).
- Item16 - Printed jacket for A for Andromeda by FH. (This is the American edition)
- Item17 - Printed jacket for Galaxies, Nuclei and Quasars by FH. (This is the American edition).
- Item18 - Printed jacket for Fifth Planet by FH and GH. (This is the American edition)
- Item19 - Printed jacket for The Nature of the Universe by FH. This is an American imprint.
- Item20 - Printed Columbia University Press publicity leaflet for Man in the Universe by FH.
- Item21 - Printed jacket for Of Men and Galaxies by FH. (This is the UK edition)
- Item22 - Printed jacket for Frontiers of Astronomy by FH. (This is the American edition).
- Item23 - Printed jacket for Galaxies, Nuclei and Quasars by FH. (This is the UK edition).
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