- FondsNewmanM - Papers of Max Newman
- SeriesBox 1 - Early letters and documents, Cambridge University and Manchester University
- File1 - Early letters, documents and related items
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- Item3 - Photocopy of ALS, from MHAN, Llandrindod Wells, to Harold Jeffreys
- Item4 - Photocopy of ALS, from MHAN, Archbishop Holgate's School, York, to Harold Jeffreys
- Item5 - Photocopy of ALS., from MHAN, Archbishop Holgate's School, York, to Harold Jeffreys
- Item6 - Photocopy of MHAN's employment record, Archbishop Holgate's School
- Item7 - Photocopy of MHAN's employment record, Chigwell School
- Item8 - The Chigwellian
- Item9 - The Chigwellian
- Item10 - ALS from Philip Blundell, York, to MHAN
- Item11 - TLS from John Harris, Headmaster, Archbisop Holgate's School, York to William Newman [MHAN's son]
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