- FondsGuillebaud - Papers of Claude William Guillebaud
- SeriesGuillebaud 1 - Papers relating to Guillebaud's books on German economic and social policy.
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- File3 - Reviews and press cuttings about "The Economic Recovery of Germany, 1933-1938" (published 1939).
- File4 - Article by Guillebaud, 'How Germany Finances the War'.
- File5 - Article by Guillebaud, 'Germany and the Economic Blockade', Fortnightly Review, London, pp. 517-525.
- File6 - Paper by Guillebaud, 'The Social Policy of Nazi Germany', published by The Manchester Statistical Society.
- File7 - Newspaper cuttings from The Times.
- File8 - 'Industrial Peace in Germany', by the Bonn Correspondent.
- File9 - Letter to Guillebaud from Norman Stone, Gonville and Caius, Cambridge.