- FondsAnderson - Papers of William Blair Anderson
- FileBox 3 - Notes on classical authors, examination papers etc.
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- Item54 - Manuscript notes on Virgil Aeneid 4
- Item55 - Manuscript notes on Aeneid 4 headed 'Lecture delivered to students of the University of Manchester on May 22, 1942'
- Item56 - Manuscript lecture notes on ancient criticism of Virgil's Aeneid (mainly an examination of Macrobius' Saturnalia) and modern criticism, and on Aeneas and Dido
- Item57 - Manuscript notes on Macrobius Saturnalia book 5 XI.2-4, 5-7, 14ff, 24ff, 29; XII; XIII.2-4, 7-10, 16-19; XIV; XV
- Item58 - Manuscript notes on Virgil
- Item59 - Manuscript essay on the Culex
- Item60 - Galley proof sheets for the Loeb edition of Sidonius Epistolae book 3
- Item61 - Article by Anderson entitled 'Notes on the Carmina of Apollinaris Sidonius' from 'The Classical Quarterly' XXVIII:I (Jan. 1934), 17-23
- Item62 - Essay on Sidonius in German by Emil Scheel (Rostock University), dated Sommersemester 1888, with some annotations by Anderson