- FondsKendall - Papers of Sir Maurice George Kendall
- Series1 - Work on statistics etc.
- Subseries9 - M. G. Kendall Papers
- File3 - M. G. Kendall Papers 1957-1969
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- Item30 - Mathematical and statistical approaches in management planning for growth
- Item31 - The social impact of the computer
- Item32 - Studies in the history of probability and statistics XVIII. Thomas Young on coincidences
- Item33 - The ill-considered computer
- Item34 - Liner freight rate index - a feasibility study
- Item35 - 'The Science Teacher' 11: 3 (Feb. 1968)
- Item36 - Certainty about uncertainty
- Item37 - Studies in the history of probability and statistics XIX. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845-1926)
- Item38 - A European institute of technology?
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