- CollectionMiscellaneous - Miscellaneous Papers
- SeriesBox 2 - Letters Ba-Bea
- FileBA8 - Letters of William Henry Bateson
- File1 - Letters
- Item1 - A.L., s. to William Drake Esq., C/O Venerable Archdeacon Hoare, Godstone, from WHB, St John's
- Item2 - A.L., s. to John Rigg (BA 1846), Second Master of Shrewsbury School from WHB
- Item3 - A.L., s. to John Rigg (BA 1846), Second Master of Shrewsbury School from WHB
- Item4 - A.L., s. to John Rigg (BA 1846), Second Master of Shrewsbury School from WHB
- Item5 - A.L., s. to John Rigg (BA 1846), Second Master of Shrewsbury School from WHB
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