- FondsPelling - Papers of Henry Mathison Pelling
- Series2 - Miscellaneous notes, diaries, cuttings, letters etc.
- File1 - Notebooks, loose notes etc.
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- Item9 - Hansard, Slessor, Daly.
- Item10 - CAB 131 Defence Committee 24/10/46 - 10/9/51.
- Item11 - 'Atlee conditions 1951': Hansard.
- Item12 - Hansard, Coleman, Phillips.
- Item13 - Kuczynski, Simon, Monypenny & Buckle, Hulley, Gash.
- Item14 - The Fleetline notebook: Balfour papers; List of MPs names in alphabetical order 1901, 1907 etc.
- Item15 - No.1. Shorthand book: Green, A history of the Football Association; Jackson, Sporting days and sporting ways; Magoun, History of football from the beginnings to 1871; Marples, A history of football.
- Item16 - Herd, Butterfield, Roberts, Finer, Myers, Greenwood, Prothero, Griffith.
- Item17 - Blank Daler notebook.
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