- Bezzant/E/11
- Subseries
- Circa 1932-1960
Part of Papers of James Stanley Bezzant
3 files; paper
Bezzant, James Stanley (1897-1967) theologian
Part of Papers of James Stanley Bezzant
3 files; paper
Bezzant, James Stanley (1897-1967) theologian
Part of Papers of Peter Alexander George Monro, alias Xander
Head and shoulders.
'Wyfold' LMBC (1) Thames R.C. (2)
Coxless fours racing at Henley. Spectators in boats and on banks.
Wye Provincial Conference (Horticultural Section): report
Part of The papers of Sir Albert Howard
Typescript report of the meeting, including AH's talk 'Role of insects & fungi in agriculture & horticulture' and the subsequent discussions.
Wye Provincial Conference (Horticultural Section): arrangements
Part of The papers of Sir Albert Howard
Typescript timetable for conference, plus typescript account of first session, including AH's talk on 'The role of insects & fungi in agriculture & horticulture'.
Part of The papers of Sir Albert Howard
Correspondence with Wye College relating to the deposit of AH's books.
Part of Papers of Wilfrid Henry Woollen
Part of Papers of Wilfrid Henry Woollen
Clothing coupon books for 1942-3 and 1947-8, appointment of WHW as a fireguard, a printed fireguard's handbook, and printed instructions on how to deal with incendiary bombs.
Part of Papers of Wilfrid Henry Woollen
Letters to WHW from his father, his mother, and Humphrey (the latter from a cafe in northern France and enclosing a signed photograph in military uniform; plus a letter to WHW's father from Edward Crowe.