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'35, 36, 37, Fetter Lane, E.C.'

Pastel Postcard, "Old London" No. 1. Reproduction of a charcoal sketch. Annotated by Henry Festing Jones: 'These 3 gables belong to Barnards Inn'.

"38 AP December 88."

Three colour photos, 4" x 6", featuring the office, "Karen having survived well over 3 years" and "Vice President H.S.C.".

3rd Ct St John's

View of the west range and north-western corner of Third Court. The door to the Lower Library can be seen open and a man stands in the archway leading to the Bridge of Sighs.

'4. Articles'

This file contains articles by Bezzant in manuscript, typescript, and offprint form. They are sequenced according to their listing on the accompanying envelope, as follows.

J.S. Bezzant, 'The Continuing Task of Liberal Theology' ('The Modern Churchman', September 1953)
J.S. Bezzant, 'Doctrine and Development', review of C.C.J. Webb's 'A Century of Anglican Theology' (typescript)
J.S. Bezzant, 'The Advent Hope' (manuscript, 1927)
J.S. Bezzant, 'The Hope of Immortality' (manuscript)
J.S. Bezzant, 'Immortality and Eternal Life' ('The Modern Churchman')

Not listed on the accompanying envelope:
J.S. Bezzant, 'The Validity of Religious Experience' (manuscript)

Bezzant, James Stanley (1897-1967) theologian

Results 451 to 460 of 51010