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Papers of Sir Joseph Larmor

  • Larmor
  • Fonds
  • 1884–1942

Letters to and from Sir Joseph Larmor's and papers from his later life, including notes on sciences and articles intended for publication.

Larmor, Sir Joseph (1857-1942) Knight, theoretical physicist

Papers of Sir John Herschel

  • Herschel
  • Fonds
  • 1812–1979 (Mostly from 1812-71. Also includes papers relating to modern research into Herschel's work.)

Letters and picture (dated 1812-1955), documents relating to Herschel's 1839 paper, 'The Art of Photography', given to the Royal Society, (dated 1833-1979), Herschel's notebooks.

Herschel, Sir John Frederick William (1792-1871) Knight, astronomer

Papers of Sir John Edwin Sandys

  • Sandys
  • Fonds
  • 1870–1934 (Circa)

Notes and translations from classical works, a travel diary, and some correspondence.

Sandys, Sir John Edwin (1844-1922) Knight and classicist

Papers of Sir Jack Goody

  • Goody
  • Fonds
  • 1950–2000 (Circa)

The collections consists primarily of academic material pertaining to Goody’s professional life, including:

● Correspondence with colleagues
● Correspondence with publishers
● Administrative material
● Field notes and field recordings
● Archival reproductions
● Diaries and notebooks
● Loose-leaf notes, lectures, articles
● Reviews by Goody
● Reviews of Goody
● Offprints of papers by Goody and others

Personal correspondence and documentation also appear, as do a book-length and perhaps fictionalised war narrative, Goody’s war diary, and a typescript of his autobiography. Five boxes contain writings by or pertaining to Goody’s colleague J.A. Braimah; three boxes of papers towards a history of social anthropology contain correspondence with, and writings by, other colleagues, particularly Meyer Fortes.

Approximately half of the material relates to Goody’s research into Ghana, with particular attention paid to the Gonja, the LoDagaa and the Bagre myth. There are notes, archival indices, photographs, concordances, interviews, slides, survey data and sound recordings, as well as microfilms of material consulted in archives circa 1964.

There is also material on West Africa and on the continent more broadly, on the Mediterranean, on China, and on Gujarat, India.

In addition to these geographical groupings, there are files of notes, lectures, essays and suchlike on various subtopics (pertaining to Ghana and elsewhere). Some run to multiple boxes, and some fill only slim folders; in total these subtopics take up no more than 20% of the physical space of the collection, but in other respects they cover much ground. Among the many labels Goody chose are: beverages; class; domestication; drugs; economics (including the economics of slavery); family; flowers; folk tales; food; gender; hats; iconography; kalabule and African socialism; kinship; knowledge; limits; literacy; love and law; marriage; the mind; modernity; modes of production; monastic households; nature and culture; nudity; oral culture; politics/law/war; property; puritanism; religion; riots and rebellions; science; semiotics; senses and sensations; social evolution; sorcery; terror; thought; trade; travel; the week; widows; and the written word.

Creation dates range from the 1930s to the 2010s.

Goody, Sir John Rankine 'Jack' (1919-2015) Knight and anthropologist

Papers of Sir Henry Fraser Howard

  • Howard
  • Fonds
  • 1891–1935 (Circa)

Typescript and manuscript of Howard's book on the finances of St John's College, financial items, Greek and Latin prose and verse compositions.

Howard, Sir Henry Fraser (1874-1943)

Papers of Sir Frank Leonard Engledow

  • Engledow
  • Fonds
  • 1909–2014

The collection came to the Library in two phases. Boxes 1-4 contain notebooks, typescripts, printed items and a few photographs, mostly relating to Engledow's travels in Africa and Asia and to his agricultural research. Boxes 5-11 contain a broader assortment of notes, correspondence, reminiscences, memorabilia, photographs and artefacts, relating mainly to Engledow's personal (non-academic) life and activities, as well as copies of printed publications by or collected by Engledow. The grouping of material in boxes 5-11 largely preserves the arrangement assigned by Engledow's daughter Ruth Steketee, who presented this part of the collection to the Library in 2014. [N.B. Additional material relating to Engledow and not catalogued here can be found in the Glover collection (Box 8), Yule Box and Pamphlets collection (Box E).]

Engledow, Sir Frank Leonard (1890-1985) Knight and agriculturalist

Papers of Sir Cecil Beaton

  • Beaton
  • Fonds
  • 1917–1980

Includes correspondence, diaries, notebooks, typescripts and one photograph.

Beaton, Sir Cecil Walter Hardy (1904-1980) Knight, photographer

Papers of Roger Francis Griffin

  • Griffin
  • Fonds
  • 1953–1988

The collection consists primarily of forty-two bound volumes covering Roger Griffin's research and publications from circa 1955 to circa 1991. Topics and publications include observation logs, Observatory Magazine, The Spectroscopic Binaries, Griffin's Fellowship dissertation for St John's, computing, RV reductions, spectroscopy, and radial velocities.

Seven card-index boxes, made by Griffin, contain many years' worth of raw data from radial-velocity spectrometer observations. Digital versions can be viewed at .

There are also notebooks containing material on observations and telescope maintenance, a chart roll of spectrometer output, a 1977 leaflet on the Cambridge North Norway Expedition, and papers on the Cripps development at St John's.

Griffin, Roger Francis (1935-2021) astronomer

Papers of Robin Orr

  • Orr
  • Fonds
  • 1937–2001

Manuscript and printed scores, some correspondence.

Orr, Robert Kemsley 'Robin' (1909-2006) composer and professor of music

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