- Hoyle/Box 37/13/4
- Item
- 1965
Part of Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle
Offprint of journal article: Astrophysical journal 142 (1965), pp. 423-450.
Part of Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle
Offprint of journal article: Astrophysical journal 142 (1965), pp. 423-450.
Will, obituary and memorial service
Part of Papers of Max Newman
Obituaries of MHAN; documents relating to his Will and estate; items regarding a memorial service held for MHAN; a few letters to his son William.
'Will Wartime Reputations Stand the Enigma Test?'
Part of Papers of Max Newman
By Peter Hennessy. Cutting from 'The Times'. With compliments slip from Prof. B. Randell.
Will of Sir Frank Leonard Engledow
Xerox copy of Frank Engledow's will.
Will Adams and Martin Smith. Four pieces of correspondence, and a separate envelope.
Part of Papers of Douglas Noël Adams
Unsigned letter to Adams. Asks for updates on his broken pelvis and his writing. Typescript. 24 September 1973.
Letter to Martin Smith from Adams. Discusses recent songwriting and progress with selling sketches. Typescript and manuscript. Undated.
Letter to 'Brunnhilde' (probably Will Adams or Martin Smith) from Adams ('Dismal Donald'). Discusses sketches. Typescript. Undated.
Letter to Will Adams from Adams. Sends 'bits and pieces'. Manuscript. Undated.
Unstamped envelope addressed to Will Adams. Manuscript.
Adams, Will (b ? 1952)
Part of Papers of Stanley John Bailey
MS notes on back of old exam scripts.
Part of Papers of Douglas Noël Adams
Essay on 'Anthem for Doomed Youth'. Typescript with manuscript corrections.
Wilfred H. Sorrell, 'Interstellar grains as amino acid factories and the origin of life',
Part of Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle
Astrophysics and space science 253 (1997), pp. 27-41. Reprint of journal article
Wilfred Fienburgh. Typescript letter to Pelling.
Part of Papers of Henry Mathison Pelling
Fienburgh, Wilfred (1919-1958) Labour Member of Parliament
Wilbur Rounding Franks, 'Method of cleaning air in enclosed spaces'
Part of Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle
Unites States Patent 1,982,470, patented 27 Nov. 1934. Photocopy of printed patent