This series arranges offprints, copies and cuttings of articles by writers other than Watson, many of them inscribed to him. Note that when an offprint was accompanied by a letter, it is not to be found here but in one of the correspondence-based series; further cuttings and copies by other writers can be found in Watson/5/30. Items will ultimately be catalogued individually; for now, a list follows.
ANNAN, Noel: ‘Arnold the Critic’ (‘The Periodical’)
ANONYMOUS: ‘Two Prophets’ (‘Manas’)
BATESON, F W: ‘Modern Bibliography and the Literary Artifact’ (‘English Studies Today’)
BATTESTIN, Martin C: ‘Pictures of Fielding’ (‘Eighteenth-century Studies’)
BAYLY, Christopher A: ‘Moral judgment: empire, nation and history’ (‘European Review’)
BEER, John: Review of Frank Kermode’s ‘Not Entitled: A Memoir’ (‘The Cambridge Review’)
BELL, Quentin: ‘Bloomsbury and “the Vulgar Passions”’ (‘Critical Inquiry’)
BOUCÉ, Paul-Gabriel: ‘Les deux premières traductions françaises des “Gulliver’s Travels”’ (‘La traduction romaesque au XVIIIe siecle’)
BOYDE, Patrick: ‘“Ecfrasi ed ecceitá” in Leopardi’s “Canti”’ (‘Italian Studies’)
BRACHER, Karl Dietrich: ‘Terrorismus and Totalitarismus’ (‘Geschichte und Staat’)
BRADBROOK, M C: 'T.S. Eliot' (supplement to 'British Book News')
BRAITHWAITE, R B: ‘Austin Duncan Jones’ Philosophical Writings’ (‘Analysis’)
BROGAN, Hugh: ‘A History of the “New Statesman”’, review of Edward Hyams (‘The Historical Journal’)
BROGAN, Hugh: ‘Alexis de Tocqueville and the Liberal Movement’ (‘The Historical Journal’)
BUTTLE, Nicholas: ‘Negative and Positive Liberty Revisited’ (‘Politics’)
CAMPBELL, Colin: ‘The Tyranny of the Yale Critics’ (‘The New York Times Magazine’)
CANNADINE, David: ‘Another “Last Victorian”: P.G. Wodehouse and His World’ (‘The South Atlantic Quarterly’)
COLVIN, Christina Edgeworth: ‘Maria Edgeworth’s Tours in Ireland: II. Killarney’ (‘Studia Neophilologica’)
COLVIN, Christina Edgeworth: ‘Maria Edgeworth’s Tours in Ireland: III. Connaught’ (‘Studia Neophilologica’)
COOPER, Helen: ‘Magic that Does Not Work’ (‘Medievalia et Humanistica’)
DAY, Robert A: ‘The “City Man” in “The Waste Land”’ (‘Papers of the Modern Language Association of America’)
DEITZ, Luc: Review of Iulius Caesar Scaliger’s ‘Poetices libri septem’ (‘Wolfenbütteler Renaissance-Mitteilungen’)
DUNCAN-JONES, Elsie: ‘Milton and the Tutbury horses: a topical allusion’
DUNCAN-JONES, Elsie: ‘Dryden, Benserade, and Marvell’ (‘The Huntingdon Library Quarterly’)
EDDY, Donald D: ‘John Brown: “The Columbus of Keswick”’ (‘The Journal of Modern Philology’)
FORSTER, Leonard & Jeanne: review of Pepys's 'Tagebuch aus dem London des 17. Jahrhunderts', ed. by Helmut Winter ('Archiv')
FOSTER, Kenelm: ‘Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873)’ (‘Italian Quarterly’)
FROST, David L: ‘Shakespeare in the Seventeenth Century’ (‘Shakespeare Quarterly’)
FROST, David L: ‘“The Windhover”: A Commentary’ (‘Theology’)
GILMOUR, Robin: ‘The Gradgrind School: Political Economy in the Classroom’ (‘Victorian Studies’)
GREENWAY, John: ‘A Guide through James Joyce’s “Ulysses”’ (‘College English’)
HARRISON, Bernard: ‘Virginia Woolf and “The True Reality”’
HOLLOWAY, John: ‘Cambridge and English at Cambridge’
HOLLOWAY, John: ‘Poetic Analysis and the Idea of the Transformation-rule: Some Examples from Herbert, Wordsworth, Pope and Shakespeare’ (‘Miscellanea Anglo-Americana: Festschrift für Helmut Viebrock’)
HOUGH, Graham: ‘Vision and Doctrine in “Four Quartets”’ (‘Critical Quarterly’)
JAMES, E D: Review of W G Moore’s ‘La Rochefoucauld: His Mind and Art’
KERMODE, Frank: ‘Two Instances of Interpretation’
KERMODE, Frank: ‘The Uses of Error’
KERMODE, Frank: ‘Literary Criticism: Old and New Styles’ (‘Essays in Criticism’)
KERMODE, Frank: A portion of ‘Not Entitled: A Memoir’
‘John Maynard Keynes: “New Wisdom for a New Age”’
KNIGHTS, L C: ‘Cambridge Criticism: What Was It?’
KRISTOL, Irving: ‘My Cold War’ (‘The National Interest’)
KUNA, Franz: ‘T.S. Eliot’s Dissociation of Sensibility and the Critics of Metaphysical Poetry’ (‘Essays in Criticism’)
KUNA, Franz: ‘Jakobson’s Theory of Language Functions and the Interpretation of Poetry’ (‘Language and Civilization: A Concerted Profusion of Essays and Studies in Honour of Otto Hietsch’)
LEE, Guy: ‘Allusion, Parody and Imitation’
LEIBHOLZ, Marianne: ‘Ein guter Begleiter’ (‘Begegnungen mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer’)
LEVIN, Bernard: ‘The Most Accurate Prediction in History: ‘The 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall’ (‘Quadrant’)
‘The Canadian C.S. Lewis Journal’ no. 2
‘The Canadian C.S. Lewis Journal’ no. 3
MacDONAGH, Oliver: ‘The Nineteenth Century Novel and Irish Social History: Some Aspects’
MATTHEW, H C G: ‘The Gladstone Diaries: Introduction to Volumes X and XI’
MERYMAN, Richard: ‘Great interviews of the 20th century: Marilyn Monroe’
MONOD, Sylvère: ‘“Hard Times”: An Undickensian Novel?’ (‘Cahiers D'études Et de Recherches Victoriennes Et Édouardiennes’)
MYLNE, Vivienne: Review of Georges May’s ‘Les Mille et Une Nuits d’Antoine Galland ou le chef-d’oeuvre invisible’ (‘Modern Language Review’)
NAGAO, Teruhiko, 'On Authorial Intention: E.D. Hirsch's "Validity in Interpretation" Revisited' ('北海道大學文學部紀要' = 'The Annual Reports on Cultural Science')
PECHEY, Graham: ‘“Frost at Midnight” and the Poetry of Periphrasis’(‘The Cambridge Quarterly’)
RICKS, Christopher: ‘William Empson: 1906-1984’ (‘The Proceedings of the British Academy’)
ROSE, Paul Lawrence: ‘The Noble Anti-Semitism of Richard Wagner’ (‘The Historical Journal’)
SCHMIDT, A V C: ‘Eliot and the Dialect of the Tribe’ (‘Essays in Criticism’)
SCHUCHARD, Ronald: ‘T.S. Eliot as Extension Lecturer, 1916-1919’ (‘The Review of English Studies’)
SCHUCHARD, Ronald: ‘T.S. Eliot as Extension Lecturer, 1916-1919 (Concluded)’ (‘The Review of English Studies’)
SCHUCHARD, Ronald: ‘“First-rate Blasphemy”: Baudelaire and the Revised Christian Idiom of T.S. Eliot’s Moral Criticism’ (‘English Literary History’)
SKINNER, Quentin: ‘The Origins of the Calvinist Theory of Revolution’ (‘After the Reformation’)
SPEARING, A C: ‘A Simple Value-System’, review of ‘Essays on Malory’edited by J A W Bennett (‘The Cambridge Review’)
STANWOOD, P G: ‘The Richard Hooker Manuscripts’ (‘Long Room’)
STEINHOFF, William: portion of chapter XV of ‘George Orwell and the Origins of “1984”’
TREVOR-ROPER, Hugh: ‘Home Thoughts: Hugh Trevor-Roper on the Peterhouse Effect’ (‘The Independent Magazine’)
WEINRICH, Harald: ‘Narrative Theology’ (‘Concilium: Theology in the Age of Renewal’)
WELLEK, René: ‘Coleridge’s Philosophy and Criticism (To 1956)’ (‘The English Romantic Poets: A Review of Research and Criticism’)
WELLEK, René: ‘The Fall of Literary History’ (‘Geschichte – Ereignis und Erzälung’)
WENDER, Dorothea: ‘Plain in Diction, Plain in Thought: Some Criteria for Evaluating Translations of the Iliad’ (‘American Journal of Philology’)
WESSELING, H L: ‘Editorial: changing views on Empire and Imperialism’ (‘European Review’)
WIDDOWSON, H G: ‘The Deviant Language of Poetry’