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Gillies, Sir William George (1898-1973) Knight and painter
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ALS to Lyn Newman

Reassures Lyn that the case arrived at his home. Reports that the Trustees of the National Galleries of Scotland were greatly impressed by the show at Inverleith, and Kenneth Clark had his idea of Gillies completely transformed. Encloses some photos of the exhibition relevant to Lyn's visit. Postscript mentions that Professor Aitken is in a nursing home.

Lillie, Robert Alexander (fl 1907-1977) art collector

ALS to Lyn Newman

Informs Lyn that he has sent two paintings to her on loan, packed by Aitken Dott and insured for transit. Commiserates with Elsa's dental trouble and Lyn problems with her publishers. Mentions the painter Gillies. Sends her some old catalogues to peruse but asks for the National Trust one to be returned.

Lillie, Robert Alexander (fl 1907-1977) art collector

ALS to Lyn Newman

Describes a find at a watercolour show in Newcastle. Mentions that the dealer at the Stone Gallery is promoting Scottish painters, and that Anne Redpath, MacTaggart and Philipson have the interest of the London art critics. Refers to the painter W.G. [Gillies] and the progress of his work. Regrets the lack of press attention for "Field with Geese". Asks after William Newman.

Lillie, Robert Alexander (fl 1907-1977) art collector

ALS to Lyn Newman

Asks after William and Elsa. Wonders at the construction of the Forth Bridge. Mentions a lunch party he attended at his sister's house. Reports that he is pursuing his interests in music and paintings, and bought himself a Gillies watercolour for Christmas. Regrets that Gillies is too busy to paint more. Enquies after Lyn's literary project. Mentions that he is having his collection of pictures properly catalogued.

Lillie, Robert Alexander (fl 1907-1977) art collector

ALS to Lyn Newman

Sends his appreciation for 'So much love, so little money'. Hopes to tell the Carters about it and show it to Mr Gillies. Asks after Lyn's family.

Lillie, Robert Alexander (fl 1907-1977) art collector