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Hill, Richard (? 1655-1727) diplomat and public servant
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A.L.s., to 'Sr' [probably Richard Hill]

Notes their will be 'a devilish struggle' about politics. Has been unable to help the recipient's family. Gives the names of people who are to go to France as Embassies, and notes that he will be going shortly. Is dismissive of Parliament who have disbanded the army, fearing that it will not secure peace with France

A.L.s., to 'Sr' [probably Richard Hill]

Will be glad to meet, though will be gone in a fortnight once he gets paid. Is not pleased with the Embassy, though is pleased with the trust he has been shown. Belives that 'the business of Spain' will be his 'great negociation' (sic) but would much rather stand aside and watch other people conduct the business. Notes the French ambassador is due to visit Windsor, the supposed illness of the Prince of Vaudemont and the 'dowager Queen', and also notes that the King has recovered from his illness and has been entertained by music and dancing.