- Adams/Box 43-44/Box 44/6/2
- Item
- 1867
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Possibly that enclosed with Kelvin to JCA 25 Dec. 1882 (Box 14/48/2). See further correspondence Box 14/46-49.
Tait, Peter Guthrie (1831-1901) physicist and mathematician
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Possibly that enclosed with Kelvin to JCA 25 Dec. 1882 (Box 14/48/2). See further correspondence Box 14/46-49.
Tait, Peter Guthrie (1831-1901) physicist and mathematician
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
"Let h = moon's hour angle, D = distance of moon from Sun... " calculations of the height of tides, including comments on Thomson's method and notation.
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892) astronomer
Draft? autograph letter signed to Edward Roberts
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Tides. Methods of finding high and low water. Terms JCA gave proving successful. Not happy with Thomson's method of correcting for varying inclination of the moon. Method of using tide predicting machine to take account of short period tides from daily mean.
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892) astronomer
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Tides: peculiarities at Southampton noticed by Sir W. Thomson. Encloses extract of Admiralty tide table in explanation. Major Baird to vist G.H. Darwin and JCA about Indian tides.
Roberts, Edward (fl 1877-1890)
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Written from Hampstead. Fluidity of centre of earth: Thomson vs. Delaunay.
Rohrs, John Henry (fl 1868-1869)
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Written from Hampstead. Possible Solar reasons for climate change. Retardation of the earth's rotation: Sir W. Thomson.
Rohrs, John Henry (fl 1868-1869)
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Written from Hampstead. Terrestrial tides. Beginning of subject? Slight alteration of JHR's equation gives Thomson's, that for a viscous fluid rotating globe, or that for a fluid globe. JHR. offered Nevawashky the Order of the Bath: he skedaddled.
Rohrs, John Henry (fl 1868-1869)
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Written from Hampstead. Aurora Borealis. [Smith's Prize questions] Method of Sylvester for partition of numbers [Ferrers Graphs.?] Riddles. Paper on Motion of Sphere with fluid centre, retardation of earth. Still with Stokes. Thomson. Opinion of Stokes.
Rohrs, John Henry (fl 1868-1869)
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Wishes to check that Thomson & Tait's book is correct about JCA's and Delaunay's work on the Secular Acceleration of the Moon.
Darwin, Sir George Howard (1845-1912) Knight, mathematician and geophysicist
Autograph letter signed to J.C. Adams
Part of Papers of John Couch Adams
Written from Hampstead. Retardation of the earth: information on tides from Sir W. Thomson. Paper now with Stokes.
Rohrs, John Henry (fl 1868-1869)