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Papers of Richard Perham
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Documentation presented to RNP in recognition of his election as a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 1988, and the Max Planck Prize, 1993.

Certificates and menus.

RNP's University of Cambridge certificates for the degrees of MA, PhD and ScD, 1965, 1965 and 1976; HMS Defender Christmas Day menu, no date [c. 1956]; signed Bumps Supper menu cards for the Lent and May Races, 1965 and 1966, and for the May Races, 1974; 72nd Annual Banquet of the Society of the Sigma Xi, Yale University, 1967.

Chancellor's visit.

Letter from G. B. Skelsey, Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, to RNP, together with duplicated arrangements for the forthcoming visit of the Chancellor, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, to confer Honorary Degrees.


Correspondence, legal agreements and other papers re RNP's work as a consultant or expert witness in various commercial cases. RESTRICTED


Letters and associated papers, 2007-13 and undated. IN PART RESTRICTED

Includes: correspondence with Christopher Dobson, Master of SJC, Mark Nicholls, President, and Stephen Teal, Development Director, re RNP's gift to the College of a portrait of John Fisher by Paul Hodgson, 3 Dec. 2007 – 23 Apr. 2008; Jean Loveridge to RNP re her husband Sir John Loveridge's death, 29 Jan. 2008; letter informing RNP that he has received an Edman Award, 2008; David [Parkes?] to RNP, re Johnian Golfing Society meeting and fundraising, 27 July 2008; Marc Feigen to RNP, thanking him for hospitality and delighting in election to an Honorary Fellowship at SJC, 12 Nov. 2008 and 25 July 2013; 'Barry' to RNP, 27 Jan. 2009, enclosing photo of RNP's graduation; RNP to Sir Tom Blundell, Department of Biochemistry, re naming of a Seminar Room in the Sanger Building, 30 June 2009; Mark Nicholls, President of SJC, to RNP, re a Dinner for Fellows under Title A, 3 Nov. 2010; RNP's invitation to the Garden Party celebrating the Quincentenary, 27 Apr. 2011; Diplôme d'honneur certificate awarded to RNP by the Fédération des Sociétés Européennes de Biochimie, 25 June 2011, with letter of notification; RNP's notes for speech at the retirement of Malcolm Underwood, Archivist of SJC, 26 July 2012; Jeremy Batch to RNP re a meeting in the Wordsworth Room, no date.


Correspondence, photograph, press cutting, printed material and other associated papers touching on diverse aspects of RNP's life and career. IN PART RESTRICTED

Topics include promotions, time spent as a postdoctoral researcher at Yale in 1967, service as a College Tutor to 1977, requests for references, a Valentine card from RNP's daughter Temple and other family ephemera, drafts of speeches, visits as College representative to Balliol College Oxford and to the Trinity College Dublin Trinity Monday celebrations, research on College cows for the edification of the College Pig Club, service as a Governor of Bishop's Stortford College, a possible contribution to a projected Encyclopedia of Ignorance, co-residence in College, a Midland Johnian Dinner, undergraduate discipline, the award of the ScD degree, the Hull Lecture, a College committee on car parking, the appointment of a new Senior Tutor in 1983, and the College's Buck Memorial Studentship. With two photos of an undergraduate Lady Margaret Boat Club boat and of a Fellows' Boat, early and late 1960s.

Correspondents and items include: John Hall, Senior Tutor of SJC; Maclyn McCarty and Dora E. Young, Helen May Whitney Foundation, NY; Trevor Thomas, Senior Bursar of SJC; menu for dinner in College on the marriage of George Reid, Fellow of SJC, and Jane Bottomley; D. V. Stafford, Secretary of the Open University Planning Committee; Frank G. Young, Department of Biochemistry; Lawrence A. Walsh; Alec Crook, Junior Bursar of SJC; N. S. Pemberton, Manager of Bowes & Bowes Bookshop, Cambridge; Colin Bertram, Senior Tutor of SJC; Benny Farmer, President of SJC; J. S. Boys Smith, Master of SJC; Roderick Ross, Secretary, University of Exeter; Glyn Daniel, Fellow of SJC; Bernard Moody, Headmaster, Maidstone Grammar School and subsequently of The High School, Sandown; Nicholas Mansergh, Master of SJC; Colin Brooks; John Crook, President of SJC; E. F. Gale, Department of Biochemistry; W. J. Sartain, Secretary General of the Faculties; Don Northcote, Department of Biochemistry; Roy Calne, Department of Surgery at Addenbrooke's Hospital; Ebenezer Cunningham, Fellow of SJC; Jack Davies, Bank of England; Sir Kingsley Collett, Chairman of Governors at Bishop's Stortford College; B. Boydell, Steward, Trinity College Dublin; Bill Alford; Peter Maynard; Ian Dalziel; Chris Johnson, Senior Bursar of SJC; Bruce Williams, University of Sydney; Sir Rutherford Robertson, Director, ANU Research School of Biological Sciences; J. E. J. Altham, Registrary, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; E. F. Gale, Department of Biochemistry; John Linnett, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge; P. A. Batchelor; M. B. Kemp, Medical Research Council; Hans Kornberg, Department of Biochemistry, University of Leicester; Miranda Weston-Smith, for the Encyclopedia of Ignorance; James MacLeod; E. W. H. Briault, Education Officer, ILEA; David Phillips, Department of Zoology, Oxford; Harold Jeffreys, Fellow of SJC; John Leake, Fellow of SJC; Andrew Macintosh, Fellow of SJC; Frank Young, Master of Darwin College, Cambridge; Norman [Henry], Fellow of SJC; A. D. I. Nicol, Secretary General of the Faculties; Jack Goody, Fellow of SJC; Fred Sanger; dinner menu to mark RNP's retirement as a Tutor, with notes for a speech at the occasion; P. R. Bromage; Harry Hinsley, President and subsequently Master of SJC; S. R. Dennison, Vice Chancellor of the University of Hull; Malcolm Schofield, Fellow of SJC; Councillor Ruth Cohen, via Secretary, Cambridge City Council; Sir John Kendrew; D. J. D. Nicholas, University of Adelaide; Peter Linehan, Fellow of SJC.

Correspondence with the Steward.

Letters and other papers relating to issues raised with or by the Steward of SJC, Howard Hughes, Including a letter from Stephen Sykes, Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge and Fellow of SJC, to RNP. RESTRICTED

Drapers' Lectureship.

Correspondence, schedules, notes, invitations and programmes re the Drapers' Company Visiting Fellowship awarded to RNP and taken up in 1972.

RNP and NLP visited the University of New South Wales, and RNP was the official representative of SJC at the centenary celebrations for Trinity College in the University of Melbourne. Correspondents include Hugh Farmar, Clerk of the Drapers' Company; Edward Thompson, Professor of the School of Biochemistry, University of NSW; E. H. Davis, Asst Principal and Bursar, University of NSW; D. F. Loveridge, Branch Manager of Lunn Poly, Cambridge; Robin Sharwood, Warden, Trinity College, Melbourne.

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