Correspondence, menu and papers relating to the foundation of the Beaufort Society (SJC Legacy Society) and its initial meetings. RNP served as the Society's first President. IN PART RESTRICTED
Includes: papers establishing the Society's remit and annual cycle, and relating to meetings on 24 Oct. 2009 and 30 Oct. 2010. Further includes letters from Christopher Dobson, Master of SJC, 29 May 2009, with RNP's copied responses accepting the Presidency; Christopher Lasper, 18 Aug. 2009; Robin Woodall, 18 Aug. 2009; Sir Christopher Laidlaw, 21 Aug. 2009, 16 Oct. 2009 and 25 Oct. 2010; the Revd George Bush, ?2 Oct. 2009; Richard Hopkin, 14 Oct. 2009; Sir Bryan Hopkin, 20 Aug. 2009; Francis Burrows, 19 Oct. 2009; Peter Birts, 27 Oct. 2009; Nigel Hancock, 2 Nov. 2009; Ann Hewish, 1 Dec. [2009]; Graham Wrigley, 14 Dec. 2009; Colin Robins, 9 Jan. 2010; Richard Goody, 9 Jan. 2010; Anne [Matthewman], 9 May 2010; Paul Taylor, 17 June 2010; Derek Bucknall, 23 Aug. 2010 and 15 Oct. 2012; John Hall-Craggs, 12 Oct. 2010 and 16 Oct. 2012; Huw Lewis, [Oct. 2012]; Keith and Penny Mann, 20 Oct. 2012; Robin Trevor Tait, 30 Oct. 2012.