- Mordell/1-40/17/17.34
- Item
- 1940
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Sent from internment camp confirming he is well.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Sent from internment camp confirming he is well.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Gives thanks for LJM's help, advice and presents of books.
A. L.s., from C. G. Darwin, Teddington
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Sends a theorem which he had worked out in the First World War. Asks how LJM got on in Delhi and briefly recounts his recent experience in India.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Typed article with manuscript additions.
A Remarkable peculiarity of the number 30
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Typed article with manuscript notes.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Letters concerning a MS to be written by LJM on football betting
Various (002699)
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Gives news of mathematicians and mathematics. Notes that he has lost his Hungarian citizenship.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Sends his congratulations on LJM's receiving the De Morgan Medal. Discusses a mathematical conjecture.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Discusses mathematics problems.
Part of Papers of Louis Joel Mordell
Is worried about Hungary, now the Nazis have taken over, and hopes the Russians will arrive soon. Gives news of his department and the problems faced with many people leaving to carry out war work. Hopes to keep his position and though it is not permanent is not worried as he does not aim to stay in USA after the war. Is pleased about Davenport's news.