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Papers of William Emerton Heitland
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Papers of William Emerton Heitland

  • Heitland
  • Fonds
  • 1864–1899

Notebooks containing notes on classical subjects and translations; notebook used as Junior Bursar, containing notes on College Council business; diary of a holiday in the Isle of Wight.

Heitland, William Emerton (1847-1935) classicist

Manuscript notebook

Contains notes on History questions (Greek), History questions (Roman), Tacitus Agricola (with hand-drawn and coloured plan of the battle on the Mons Graupius), and notes for a lecture on Cicero Philippics II.

Manuscript notebook

Translations from classical authors into English, and from English authors into Latin and Greek. The Latin and Greek translations are initialed G.G.B., J.L.H., R.C.J. [Richard Claverhouse Jebb], A.H., R.S. [Richard Shilleto], J.M., T.M., W.E.H. [Heitland], A.W.P., J.S.E., K., G.C., H.A.J.M. [Hugh Andrew Johnstone Munro].

Manuscript notebook

Contains notes on Silius Italicus, including the text of Punica VIII.139-225 with notes, and notes on earlier editions. Pasted inside the covers are the following letters to Heitland:

ALS from Robinson Ellis, 26 July 1894. Discusses book by Antonius Constantius. 1p.

ALS from Ingram Bywater, 27 July 1894. Sends copy of book by Antonius Constantius. 1p.

ALS from Richard Garnett, British Library,10 Dec. 1894. Will be happy to help H consult the books he wishes to see . 1p.

ALS from P.H. Damsté, Leiden, 17 Apr. 1895. Gives bibliographical details for two 16th-century editions of Silius. 2p.

ALS from P.H. Damsté, Leiden, 25 Apr. 1895. Gives information on 16th-century editions of Silius. 4p.

ALS from Dr F. Boll, Munich, 7 May 1895. Gives information on editions of Silius. In German. 2p

Manuscript notebook

Contains Latin verses by J. Batten, J. Fraser, M. Cope, G. Nugée, J. Moss, H.A.J. Munro, A. Holmes, Marmaduke Lawson, Case, Crowder, George Bland, R.M. Dukes, and Thomas Evans.

Manuscript notebook

Contains notes on Aristotle's Politics, with references to J.P. Nickes [De Aristotelis Politicorum libris dissertatio, 1851], works by John Stuart Mill, and a work by Wilhelm Oncken.

Manuscript notebook

Contains notes on Pliny's letters, some English passages for translation into Latin, notes on the Tripos of 1840 and 1879, the Trinity, King's, Christ's and Emmanuel, and Caius scholarships of 1882, and Lucan.

Manuscript notebook

Contains notes on: Roman colonies, Cicero's De Republica, Plutarch's Romulus and Numa, the Annales Maximi, private family records, Livy's authorities, the early constitution of Rome, Plutarch's Marius and Sulla.

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