'A code of ethics for scientists'
- Hinde/A/5/4
- Item
- 2007-03-31
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Photocopy of article from the Lancet by Ching Ling Pang.
'A code of ethics for scientists'
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Photocopy of article from the Lancet by Ching Ling Pang.
'A code of ethics for scientists'
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Proof(?) copy set 9 May 2007 of article by Douglas Holdstock. Annotation: "for the Lancet (probably) 26 May". Published in response to previous article A/5/4
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Advances in the study of behaviour
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Papers relating to volumes 1-6 of the series co-edited by RAH. Largely correspondence; includes some proofs.
Albert Einstein Award for Excellence in Psychiatry and Related Disciplines
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Obv. Relief bust of Albert Einstein. Leg. ALBERT EINSTEIN AWARD | For Excellence | In Psychiatry and | Related Disciplines Obv. ROBERT A. HINDE, D.PHIL | November 15, 1987 | Presented by the | Department of Psychiatry | Albert Einstein College of Medicine / [sic] | Montefiore Medical Center
Autograph letter inside 'The beginnings of social understanding' by Judy Dunn.
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Letter accompanies the gift of the book. Thanks RH for his support and mentions that she will see Penny Munn at Christmas. Date inferred from the publication date.
Dunn, Judy (1939-)
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Email and documents.
Brearley, John Michael (1942-) England cricketer and psychoanalyst
Compliments slip from Tony Simpson
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Encloses (not present) a review of Robert Hinde's 'Changing how we live' which appeared in 'Sofia' magazine 107, March 2013.
Correspondence and other documents extracted from published books
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Part of Papers of Robert Aubrey Hinde
Two-page printed curriculum vitae, dating from circa 1988, giving education, degrees, awards, and positions, plus publications.