- FondsClarkson - Papers of Thomas Clarkson
- SeriesFolder 1-5 - Slave Trade
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- ItemDoc 42 - Autograph letter, signed, from Thomas Clarkson to ?
- ItemDoc 43 - Autograph letter, signed, in French, from L'Abbé de Montesquieu to Thomas Clarkson, from Paris
- ItemDoc 44 - Autograph letter, signed, in French, from Henri Gregoire, Bishop of Blois, to Thomas Clarkson, from Paris
- ItemDoc 45 - Text (in the same hand as, and with, Item 44) of Egion's quittance in French
- ItemDoc 46 - Envelope, empty, add. to Monsieur Clarkson, Chez Mr. Allens, Plough Court, Lombard Street, London
- ItemDoc 47 - Thomas Clarkson's account of his meeting with the Emperor of Russia, Paris
- ItemDoc 48 - Two copies of responses by Henri Gregoire, Bishop of Blois, in French, to the libels of Bertrand de Molleville
- ItemDoc 49 - Autograph letter, signed, in French, from Henri Gregoire, Bishop of Blois, to Thomas Clarkson, from Paris
- ItemDoc 50 - Document written in Thomas Clarkson's hand, entitled Short History of some of the most remarkable features on the character of the Slave Trade
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