- CollectionPhotographs - Photographic and film collections
- SeriesAlbums - Photograph albums
- FileAlbum 38 - Photograph Album 38
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- Item24a - Mays 1909 3rd night. Up on Pemmer in the Gut
- Item24b - Same. Bumped by Third Trinity in the Plough
- Item25 - 1st May Boat 1909
- Item26 - Boats v The Cricket 1909
- Item27 - Eagle Group 1909
- Item28a - The wooden spoon
- Item28b - June 22nd 1909. Degree Day. Senate House Passage
- Item29a - LMBC 'Ladies Plate' Eight Henley 1910
- Item29b - LMBC 'Visitors Cup' Four Henley 1910
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