- FondsHoyle - Papers of Sir Fred Hoyle
- SeriesBox 30 - Box 30
- File3 - Terrestrial atmosphere
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- Item9 - M. Hirono, M. Fujiwara, O. Uchino and T. Itabe, 'Observations of stratospheric aerosol layers by optical radar', Canadian journal of chemistry 52 (1974), pp. 1560-1568.
- Item10 - M.P. McCormick and W.H. Fuller, 'Lidar measurements of two intense stratospheric dust layers', Applied optics 14 (Jan. 1975), pp. 4-5.
- Item11 - Aden B. Meinel and Marjorie P. Meinel, 'Stratospheric dust-aerosol event of November 1974', Science 188 (2 May 1975), pp. 477-478.
- Item12 - P.B. Russell, W. Viezee, R.D. Hake, and R.T.H. Collis, 'Lidar observations of the stratospheric aerosol: California, October 1972 to March 1974', Quarterly journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 102 (1976), pp. 675-695.
- Item13 - E.K. Bigg, 'Comparison of aerosol at four baseline atmospheric monitoring stations', Journal of applied meteorology 19 (May 1980), pp. 521-533.
- Item14 - S.V. Lysenko, 'Microorganisms in the upper atmospheric layers'
- Item15 - Kolf Jayaweera and Patrick Flanagan, 'Investigations on biogenic ice nuclei in the arctic atmosphere', Geophysical research letters 9 (Jan. 1982), pp. 94-97.
- Item16 - V.K. Saxena, 'An evidence of the biogenic nuclei involvement in Antarctic coastal clouds'
- Item17 - J.P. Bradley and D.E. Brownlee, 'Cometary particles: thin sectioning and electron beam analysis', Science 231 (28 Mar. 1986), pp. 1542-1546.
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