- FondsTanner - Papers of Joseph Robson Tanner
- FileBox 5 - Manuscript notes, lectures and essays
- 12 more...
- Item13 - 'The English Reformation (paper read before the Cambr. Univ. Noncon. Union - April 1885'
- Item14 - 'Angevin England'
- Item15 - 'Norman England'
- Item16 - 'Lord Wellesley and Dalhousie in India. Lecture given at Toynbee Hall Sunday Feb 15th 1891 in a series on 'English Men of Action''
- Item17 - 'Brighton. End of last lecture'
- Item18 - 'The true relation of the Minister to Parliament'
- Item19 - 'The advisability of a Second Chamber'
- Item20 - 'Relation of the Executive to the Army'
- Item21 - 'Essay on Political Liberty'
- 4 more...