- FondsBenians - Papers of Ernest Alfred Benians
- SeriesC - Material relating to the American Life and Institutions series
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- ItemC13 - Typescript note from S.C. Roberts, Secretary of Press Syndicate Cambridge University Press, to Benians
- ItemC14 - Typescript itinerary for American Books Committee meeting
- ItemC15 - Typescript letter from Benians to Prof. C.H. Dodd
- ItemC16 - Typescript letter from Benians to Prof. E.D. Adrian
- ItemC17 - Autograph note on card signed from Prof. E.D. Adrian to Benians
- ItemC18 - Typescript letter from Benians to Dr C.K. Allen, Rhodes House Oxford
- ItemC19 - Typescript letter signed from Dr C.K. Allen, Rhodes House Oxford, to Benians
- ItemC20 - Typescript copy of letter from Prof. H.S. Commager to Peggy S. Humphrey
- ItemC21 - Typescript letter from Benians to Prof. C.H. Dodd, Jesus College Cambridge
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