- FondsBeaton - Papers of Sir Cecil Beaton
- SeriesA - Correspondence
- SubseriesA1 - General letters to Beaton
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- Item122 - George Cholmondeley. Autograph letter signed to Beaton, from Golfe Juan.
- File123 - Sybil Sassoon. Autograph letters to Beaton.
- File124 - Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-Churchill. Letters to Beaton.
- File125 - Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer-Churchill. Typescript letters to Beaton.
- Item126 - Sonny Ching Cing [?]. Autograph letter signed to Beaton
- File127 - Lady Jane Clark. Letters and postcards to Beaton.
- File128 - Kenneth Mackenzie Clark. Postcards and letters to Beaton.
- Item129 - Sir Charles Blake Cochran. Typescript letter signed to Beaton, from London.
- File130 - Paul Cohen-Portheim. Autograph letters to Beaton.
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