- FondsCrook - Papers of John Anthony Crook
- SeriesD - Correspondence
- SubseriesD1 - Files of letters mostly to, with some from JAC, arranged alphabetically by sender/recipient
- File5 - Box 5, Letters P,Q,R
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- Item71 - ALS from Joyce Reynolds, Newnham, dated 8 May. Year not specified.
- Item72 - ALS from Joyce Reynolds, Newnham, dated 21 August. Year not specified.
- Item73 - TLS from Martin Roberts, Director of Music, Bloxham School, Banbury, Oxon.
- Item74 - ALS from Antony Roper, 72 Doxey, Stafford
- Item75 - ALS from Antony Roper, 72 Doxey, Stafford
- Item76 - ALS from Antony Roper, 72 Doxey, Stafford
- Item77 - ALS from Antony Roper, 72 Doxey, Stafford
- Item78 - ALS from Antony Roper, 72 Doxey, Stafford
- Item79 - ALS from Antony Roper, 72 Doxey, Stafford
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